A couple months ago I told myself that I wasn't going to get any new Sarracenia until I put together a better growing area for them outside. As I
mentioned recently, my backyard is much too windy and the neighborhood pigeons like snacking on the free bugs (and perching and pecking my plants to shreds).
In spite of that, I got a package today!
I knew what it was as soon as the doorbell rang. |
It's from Meadowview! Meadowview Biological Research Station is non-profit group in Maryland and Virginia that works to restore bogs and re-establish historical Sarracenia populations to those bogs. They're a great outfit – like them
on Facebook to keep up with their activities.
This plant was very well-packaged. Those Meadowview folks know their business. |
The Meadowview Facebook feed is where I heard about a few plants they were selling on eBay – two Nepenthes and a nice, mature Sarracenia. Now, I know I said I wasn't going to get any more Sarracenia any time soon, but it was such a well-grown plant, big and established, and it's for a good cause right...? Also, it's a cool cross.
It's quite large, especially for a plant with S. psittacina in its heritage. |
Sarracenia x
formosa is
S. psittacina x
minor. The specific epithet means "beautiful," and it totally applies in this case. The pitchers are a rich, almost luminescent orange-red color, with a pitcher opening that's midway between the two species. It's a great plant.
Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air little guy. |
Now I'm serious though. I've gotta figure out this wind situation. Until then, no more Sarracenia. Probably.
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