back in May I noticed that my
Pinguicula gigantea had developed a second growth point. It also started blooming
back in April. Well, it's been growing and blooming continuously and doing great, and just the other day I noticed that it's split again. What a great plant!
One little plantlet on the left side. |
Another little plantlet on the right. |
And a cute little flower up top! |
Of course, now I
really have to divide and repot this plant. Maybe that will be my next big chore.
After taking these pictures, I decided to take a second look at all my other plants to see if there were some other offsets I hadn't noticed. I found a few!
Pretty sure this is the first proper offset from any of my
Drosera capensis 'Albino'.
Of course, I'm already awash in D. capensis 'Albino', but that's fine. |
I'm not sure if the little plant here is a
D. capensis red or just a stray
D. capensis 'Albino' or typical seed that found its way in here.
The tentacles look awfully pale to be the red form of D. capensis but I guess we'll see. |
Of course, my two largest
D. capensis typicals are offsetting like crazy.
This is my first-ever carnivorous plant and it's just chugging along. |
This plant is really glad to not be suffering outside in the wind. |
I don't remember if this
Drosera adelae had the offset when I repotted it, but it's certainly gotten bigger. Also, it's appreciating having been recently fed.
D. adelae responds very well to food. I'll be looking for a growth spurt in the next week. |
Drosera tokaiensis plants in the first pic below have been growing together for a while, but the one on the right is blooming for the first time. The
D. x
tokaiensis sterile hybrid in the second photo may have an offset up front, or it may be a weed, hahahah.
This is one of my favorite pots. I like the little plant community here. |
This hybrid has great color and is extremely bloomy. |
This last is the most exciting though. I was sure I had lost this little
Drosera madagascariensis seedling, but apparently the roots hung on and have started to grow a little plantlet. It's right there at the base of the dead stem. Awesome!
I think D. madagascariensis is one of the cutest sundew species. |
I've said this before, but I love finding surprises in the collection. It's so much fun!
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