It's been so long since I've made a blog post. I feel bad about it!
Byblis liniflora forming its first bud. Cute! |
As I mentioned in my last post, I've started a new job recently. I've also been visiting family, and had family come visit, and helped a friend move. There's been almost no time for plants.
Little tiny Drosera burmannii from Gunung Keledang. |
Luckily my plants pretty much grow by themselves at this point. I've been meaning to make a post about my setup (hopefully soon), but as long as I keep it watered they just chug along. Luckily I started some seeds just before I got all busy.
Nepenthes tobaica × aristolochioides. Looking forward to this guy growing out. |
I've even bought a couple
Nepenthes lately, of all things. They're living on my windowsill in the kitchen. It's a good place for
Nepenthes sanguinea orange form. I like easy neps. |
One never stays this busy forever. I've got all sorts of plant projects that I want to get started with, and I'll make sure to keep the blog abreast of everything. It's not like I'm going to stop getting new plants hahahah.
Hey, I used Bayer advanced disease and mite control about three times and the aphids on my capes were all gone, I think I used it once a week, maybe that could work out for you? Just don't get it on any pings